CXO 18
Kõik on trois!
Everything is fine! – Northern Estonia small island local dialect.
Imagine being on a small island with 60 people living on it. You don’t have supermarkets, cinemas or any other facilities like in big city life. But you have something else – SEA. Sea gives and sea takes.
You never know what you are going to get next, collecting a orange, lifevest or a random log by the sea.
You have to take it all because you never know where can you use your finding. The lack of supplies makes you think more how to create solutions. In the world of mass consuming and producing we should start to think about more how to use the materials we already have. That is why my material techniques are made of things that would be thrown away in normal cases.
The color palette and textures are closely linked to Prangli’s diverse living environment. It imitates the icy glittering grass spring field, the colorful bog textures, the coastline plants, the perch net in the corner of every home, and also the textures of the domestic animals, they play their part. This is why the collection has a piece of cow pattern that symbolizes the last cow taken away from the island over a year ago – what a memory for the island.
But considering lack of needs of small villages, life is still fine. You take what you have.
Thank you Estonian Academy of Arts, Estonian Rescue Board, YKK fastening and Nurmiko for your leftovers!
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